The Lord is Good

Topic: Praise
Passage: Psalms 150:1–6

March 7, 2024


In this life we hear many clichés like, live and let live, time will tell, when at first you don’t succeed try again etc. In Christian circles we often hear “Praise the Lord,” which can come flying out of our mouth without much thought behind it. However in this psalm  “praise the Lord” was definitely not a cliché but an ecstatic expression of unbridled joy as it pertains to worship. Thirteen times in this short Psalm we find the word praise used. Worship is simply defined in  Psalm 150 by describing where we worship, why we worship, how we worship and who we worship.
The “where” of praise (v. 1) – In both heaven and earthThe “why” of praise (v. 2) – For His greatness and His mighty deedsThe “how” of praise (vv. 3-5) – With a full orchestra of musical instruments including wind, string, and percussion instruments. (In other words with everything you have).The “who” of praise (v. 6) – “Everything that hath breath” would include the animals, fish and the whole family of man. One day this will certainly come to pass (Rev. 5:13).Praise to God should become a natural part of our daily existence. When we praise Him, we should do it for what He’s done in our lives and we should praise Him simply for who He is. How could the message be more clear? The writer was telling the individual listeners to praise God. What a fitting way to end the book of praise, with a direct encouragement to you and I to praise God too. We need to remember to praise Him every day.


God is to be praised for His greatness and His mighty deeds. Just as He brought the Israelites through the Red Sea (Ex. 15) he wants to deliver me from the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:1-10). When I am tempted to be discouraged I need to get out my list of things I can praise the Lord for.

Psalms 150:1– 6 (NET)

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