Fantastic Displays of God’s Craftsmanship

Topic: Revelation
Passage: Psalms 19:1–14

April 10, 2024


This Psalm tells us how the Lord has revealed Himself both in the sky and in the Scriptures. He is the God of creation, and He is the God of revelation. We are surrounded by fantastic displays of God’s craftsmanship (vv. 1-6). The heavens give dramatic evidence of His existence, His power, His love, His care. The apostle Paul referred to this Psalm when he explained that everyone knows about God because nature proclaims God’s existence and power (Rom. 1:19-20). However, while nature points to the existence of God He still uses people to explain the Gospel. 
When we think of the law it is easy to think of it as something that keeps us from having fun. But here we see the opposite as it makes us wise, brings joy to the heart, gives light to the eyes, and rewards us (vv. 7-11). God’s Word enlightens a mind darkened by the world’s philosophies and religions. It convicts and brings men back to the point where he was separated from God by sin. It brings wisdom, joy, radiance, and light (v. 7). God’s Word rejoices the heart. His Word takes away all uncertainty. It provides guidance for today and promises glory for tomorrow (v. 8). God’s Word has a cleansing effect upon us. His ordinances are pure, eternal, sure, and righteous (v. 9). They are more precious than gold and sweeter than honey (vv. 10-11). 
Understanding the holy law led David to pray for complete cleansing so he could live a blameless and acceptable life before God (vv. 12-14). He prayed that he would be forgiven for hidden faults and preserved from sinning willfully. David knew that pride can be the most deceiving of all sin, so he prays for a cleansing from it (v. 13). Many Christians are plagued by guilt. They worry that they may have committed a sin unknowingly, done something good with selfish intentions, failed to put their whole heart into a task or neglected what they should have done. Guilt can play an important role in bringing us to Christ, but it should not cripple us or make us fearful. If a person reads and meditates upon the Word of God, it will cleanse him. It moves him from a consciousness of sin to a sensitivity for holiness.


I need to take my family outside on some clear dark night and just look into the sky and talk about all God has made and thank Him for it? Then talk about what we can do to spread His Word.

Psalms 19:1– 14 (NET)

Verses not found.

Illustration: JB Phillips Was Changed Translating The Bible

The Bible is not like any other book. It is powerful. When J.B. Phillips began to translate the New Testament he did not believe in the verbal-plenary inspiration of the scriptures. However in the process of translating it he changed his mind. He said “Translating the Bible is like trying to rewire the electrical wiring in a house without pulling the main switch.” God’s Word is powerful. (Source Unknown)

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