He Knows Everything

Topic: Omnipotent
Passage: Psalms 139:13–24

February 17, 2024


3. God is all powerful (omnipotent) (vv. 13-18).      
Many examples of God’s vast creation could have been used, but just one, the miracle of birth, is given. It is truly a miracle how God personally “handmade” us and ordered the days of our life. The human body is made up of over a million cells in each square inch of skin, three billion in the brain, and billions of red blood cells in the blood. Each cell has its own specialized function and during any given moment thousands of events are taking place, each one being precisely coordinated by countless triggers. Obviously, such a complicated development of cells cannot be the result of chance. “He created me!” David exclaimed.  
With the assurance of God’s omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence David was led to pray: 
      1.   That the Lord would save him from his enemies (vv. 19-22). 
      2.   That the Lord would search him (vv. 23-24). 
He concludes with a personal investigation by praying “Search me” … “try me” … lead me”. David asked God to search for sin and point it out, even to the level of testing his thoughts. How are we to recognize sin unless God points it out.? When He shows us, we can repent and be forgiven.


This passage makes it very clear as to how life comes from God at the very moment of conception and should never be tampered with by abor­tion, suicide or mercy killing (euthanasia). Verses I should keep handy to give to anyone who doesn’t think this life begins at concep­tion (vv. 13-16).

Psalms 139:13– 24 (NET)

Verses not found.

Illustration: Sprinkler System That Had Never Been Connected

Just before WWII in the town of Itasca, Texas, a school fire took the lives of 263 children. When the war ended, the town began to expand and eventually built a brand-new school, which featured the finest sprinkler system in the world. Civic pride ran high. Honor students were selected to guide visitors on tours of the new facilities, pointing out the most advanced sprinkler system ever developed. Never again would Itasca experience another tragedy. Well, the town continued to grow, and seven years later, it was necessary to put an addition on the school. When they added the new wing, they discovered that the sprinkler system had never been connected! What a tragedy it is when we fail to hook up to the power of God available to us. (Source unknown).

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