The Brides Goal is Affection
April 28, 2021
The bride has only one goal and that is appearance, the daughters of Jerusalem want to help find him. “Which way did he go?” they wanted to know. She simply replies that he is gone to the garden to gather lilies. Also, she says, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine,” (v. 3) as if to inform these ladies that his affections are solely hers.
As soon as she had spoken Solomon appears and begins to shower her with words of praise. He says that she is as beautiful as Tirzah, a lovely city about 35 miles northeast of Jerusalem and the royal residence of Israel’s kings after the revolt of Rehoboam. Her splendor is as striking as an army with banners (v. 10). her eyes, her hair, her teeth, and temples are masterpieces of loveliness (vv. 5-7). Solomon finds her beauty not only alluring, but overwhelming.
Solomon did indeed have many queens (wives) and concubines (I Kings 11:3). Polygamy, though not condoned, was common in Solomon’s day. He says that his love for this woman has not diminished since their wedding, even though many other women are available to him (vv. 8-9).
The Shulamite then explains to Solomon how their first meeting came about. She had gone to the valley to gather fruit and herbs for her family. On her way she was interrupted by an encounter with the king’s royal bodyguards, and she was abducted and swept away in his chariots.
Just as the bride’s thoughts take her back to the days of her meeting with her bridegroom, so should we repeatedly call to mind the happy day we fixed our eyes on Jesus.
Song of Solomon 6:1– 14 (NET)
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Illustration: World Record Set by German Couple
According to the news, two high school students, from Hanover in West Germany set an unusual world record. The boy and his girlfriend, stayed in a clinch for 105 minutes and 48 seconds, beating by 10 minutes the record set by a British couple.The kiss ended when the duo were on a point of passing out for lack of oxygen. Even so, an ear-nose-and-throat specialist and the nurses who were on hand to watch fair play did not have to use oxygen bottles that they had placed near by just in case. (Encyclopedia of Illustrations #7143).