Paul’s Greeting to The Philippian Church
June 18, 2021
This is one of Paul’s most informal letters. With this church he did not feel the need to assert his Apostolic authority. His overflowing love for them is obvious. He even allowed them to send him money which was very unusual for him. Paul is imprisoned, yet he uses the term for joy over sixteen times. His peace and hope were not based on circumstances.
Paul begins his letter to the Philippians with a greeting identifying himself and Timothy, his co-worker (v 1). He referred to himself and to Timothy as “servants of Jesus Christ. Paul addresses his letter to “the saints in Christ Jesus” who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons (v. 1) The word “saints” means “set apart.” All Christians are saints. The bishops refers to the pastors of the church. The deacons were those who were selected to serve the church in practical matters so the pastors could give their time to the study of the Word of God and prayer (Acts 6:1-7).
To all of the above Paul extends his wish of grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ to the people in the church at Philippi (v.2). Grace is the spring or fountain from which all God’s blessings flow and peace is one of the greatest of these blessings. Because believers have peace with God they also have the peace of God. This results in a deep and abiding peace within.
Paul had a strong desire for the people in the church at Philippi to experience the peace of God in their lives. The only way this can happen in my life or your life is through the grace of God. It really is this simple. I was born into the Lester Nicholes family as a sinner but because God loved me he sent His Son into this world to die on the cross in payment for my sin and I became a part of God’s family (John 3:16).
Philippians 1:1– 2 (NET)
1 From Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the overseers and deacons. 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!