Relax And Let God Restore Your Faith
April 10, 2024
The same is true of our rough times, when we fight against them we sink, when we relax in faith, the influence of God’s presence lifts us up. When the world seems out of control and times get rough, where can we find shelter, peace and refuge? “Times of Refreshing” are found in the presence of the Lord. A personal plan for turning rough times into refreshing times, come from one of the most comforting Psalms ever written. According to this psalm the first principle for turning rough times into refreshing times is……
Run to God (v. 1-4). “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him will I trust” (v. 2). Rough times become refreshing times when we first run to God, then we must ……Relax in Faith (v. 5-10). “Thou hast made the Lord……thy habitation” (v. 9). We experience refreshment when we run to God, relax in faith, then we must……..Rely on His Resources (vv. 11-13). You might say, “how can I relax in faith when I’’ve got unmet needs?" Rough times are transformed into refreshing times when we run to God, relax in faith, rely on His resources, then we must…….Recommit to Him (vv. 14-16). Only those who know and love God are assured of His protection!One of the most interesting things about this psalm is that Satan knew it, memorized it and used it in a distorted and devious way as he tried to tempt our Lord from the path of obedience to His Father. When he quoted from Psalm 91 in the temptation of our Lord he showed how good a student he is of the Bible. However the Lord Jesus countered Satan’s quotation with another and disarmed him.
One of the most difficult things in this pressure cooker society in which we live may be to relax. That is why it is so important that I have set times each day to relax and spend time with Him.
Psalms 91:1– 16 (NET)
Verses not found.
Illustration: Bev Shea Chooses Between Secular And Sacred Music
When Bev Shea was attending Bible School in Ottawa (Ontario) He loved to sing. After more training in New York City he was given an audition at one of the radio stations and was offered a contract. He asked that he might sing Gospel songs. He was told that he might use one occasionally, but he would have to use the songs on the Hit Parade. What would he do? His mother was praying. On Saturday night she placed a poem on the piano. In the morning he composed a tune for it. One verse was: “I’d rather have Jesus than silver and gold: I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame; I’d rather be true to His holy Name!” Bev turned down the contract. A short time later he was offered a position with a Chicago radio station where he might use the Gospel songs he loved. While there he met Billy Graham. The rest of the story is well-known. (Source Unknown).