Experiencing The Joy of The Submissive Mind
November 4, 2020
Some people try to make verse 12 say we need to “work for our salvation” instead of “work out our salvation.” Paul is writing to people who are already Christians. He is telling them to put into practice in their daily living what God has already worked in them by His Holy Spirit. This outworking was to be done with “fear and trembling,” which means with a complete trust in God and not in themselves. God must work in us before He can work through us (v. 13). It seems that many Christians obey God only because of pressure on the outside, rather than by power on the inside. In the natural man we have a tendency to obey God only when others are watching. The power that works in us is the power of the Holy Spirit of God (Acts 1:8).
Evidently the believers at the church at Philippi were arguing and complaining among themselves (v. 14). As a result, non Christians were saying, “If that is a Christian I don’t want to be one.” Our lives should be characterized by moral purity, patience and peacefulness. God’s people are to “shine like the stars” (v. 15). It is not by leaving the world but by ministering to it that we see God’s purpose fulfilled in our lives. The joy of the Christian life comes from submission (vv. 16-18). It should not be a series of disappointing “ups and downs.” Instead it should be a sequence of delightful “ins and outs.” God works in us and as a result we need to “work out.” This is accomplished through the Word, prayer and suffering.
Is it costing me anything to be a Christian? If it isn’t then I am probably not doing anything that is meaningful or lasting for the Lord.
Philippians 2:09– 16 (NET)
9 As a result God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow —in heaven and on earth and under the earth—
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
12 So then, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence but even more in my absence, continue working out your salvation with awe and reverence, 13 for the one bringing forth in you both the desire and the effort—for the sake of his good pleasure—is God. 14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blemish though you live in a crooked and perverse society, in which you shine as lights in the world 16 by holding on to the word of life so that on the day of Christ I will have a reason to boast that I did not run in vain nor labor in vain.