His Love Never Fails

Topic: Praise
Passage: Psalms 138:1–8

April 11, 2024


This is a Psalm of David written when he was surrounded by enemies and possibly at the time of Absalom’s rebellion. David has and inter compulsion to Worship when he says “I will praise Thee with my whole heart” (v. 1). This is a true characteristic of David that when he is in deep trouble, his life is threatened, he doesn’t know which way to turn and no idea of where his next meal is coming from he is praising God. If there is one time that we stop praising God it is when our little world caves in. At this time we besiege His throne with prayer requests but we are not usually spending much time praising Him.
This is basically a Psalm of Thanksgiving. It is not real clear what the word “gods” in verse 1 refers to. It seems that the psalmist is determined to praise God in the presence of the gods of the heathen. He emphasizes how important the words of God are. Like a  magnifying glass the Word of God is made large. When he prays, God answers and there is no proof as convincing as that of experience. He says that God is no respecter of persons. The high and noble as well as the down and out are the recipients of His mercy. However, God is not deceived by the proud, but knows the truth about them and has no fellowship with them. He has no respect for a Cain’s sacrifice, a Pharaoh’s promise or the Pharisee’s prayer.


If you were to put a magnifying glass over this page, what would it do to the letters? (This is something I can do with my family). Looking through the glass the letters will seem to be larger in size. What does God magnify in today’s passage? I need to consider, “What is big in my life”. What do I think about and talk about most of the time? I need to discuss with my family ways I can praise and magnify Jesus.

Psalms 138:1– 8 (NET)

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