The Need For Divine Intervention

Topic: Prayer
Passage: Psalms 57:1–6

March 31, 2024


This Psalm is made up of prayers in the midst of perils. It is thought that David wrote this when he fled from Saul in the cave of Adulham in the valley of the Philistines (I Samuel 22). Another possibility is that it was penned in the cave of Engedi along the limestone banks of the western Dead Sea (I Samuel 24). In poetic language the Psalmist depicts the treachery of those who oppress him.
David offers a threefold prayer in the opening verses:
Lord hide me (v. 1). When we cry out to God to hide us it is sort of like a baby chick requesting to get under its mothers wings. In Colossians 3:3 we are told that our life “is hid with Christ in God.”Lord hear me (v. 2). David’s prayer ascends to One who is much higher than his enemies.  He does hear and is far more concerned about our circumstances than anyone else. He can bring our threatening circumstances to an end anytime he wishes. In the meantime “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).Lord help me (v. 2). Those who would swallow David up must first defeat his God which was an impossible task. David must have been overwhelmed by the thought that the most High God of the heavens would act on behalf of a shepherd boy chased by his country’s king.David compared his enemies to lions that wanted to devour him (v. 4).  He expressed his desire that God be exalted above the heavens (v. 5). He expected his enemies destruction (v. 6).


What do I do when I find my enemies in this world closing in on me? Do I run to a doctor, a psychologist or lawyer instead of running to Jesus in prayer as David did?

Psalms 57:1– 6 (NET)

Verses not found.

Illustration: Theodore Monod Tells a Friend About Christ

Theodore Monod was once telling a little friend about Christ healing blind Bartimaeus. (Mark 10:46-52) “And what,” said he to the boy, “would you have asked from Jesus if you had been blind?” “Oh,” said the child, with glowing face and kindling eyes, “I should have asked him for a nice little dog with a collar and chain, to lead me about.” How often do we ask for the blind man’s dog instead of the seeing man’s eyes? (Sunday School Chronicle).

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