The Church Makes Paul Happy

Topic: Rejoicing
Passage: 2 Corinthians 7:1–7

December 5, 2020


In this passage Paul resumed the story that he left in 2:13, where he said he went to Macedonia to look for Titus. Though Paul still had many problems and hardships to face, he found comfort and joy in the ministry God had given to him. Titus had visited the Corinthian church and now he rejoins Paul in Macedonia (vv. 5-6). His report brings rejoicing to the apostle’s heart. When Titus reported that the church had disciplined the offender; the apostle was overjoyed (vv. 2-7). The same people who give you joy can also cause you sorrow. The church had received Titus and now they were ready to receive Paul (v. 13). He asks them to trust him, for he had never done anything to wrong them.
Paul’s frame of mind, before Titus’ arrival was far from being at peace. It says that “he had no rest” (v. 5). The great apostle Paul was not always on a spiritual high and he was not afraid to admit it.  His conflicts, fears and depression were brought on by opposition and persecution in Macedonia. He also was not sure how Titus was being treated by the Corinthians and how they had responded to his letter. Did you ever wonder why it is often so difficult to assure people of your love? What more could Paul do to convince them? He was willing to die for them if necessary and at every opportunity that he had he was bragging about them to others and yet they had been criticizing him (v. 4). Now, the Corinthians had evidenced to Titus a repentant spirit and a desire to be reconciled to Paul, for this he was rejoicing (v. 7). Have you ever been an answer to somebody’s prayers as Titus was?


There is joy in seeing someone we love being welcomed and well-treated. What is true of us is true of God. That is why I can best show my love for God by loving other people. The thing that causes the heart of God to rejoice is to see one of his children kindly treated.

2 Corinthians 7:1– 7 (NET)

1 Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that could defile the body and the spirit, and thus accomplish holiness out of reverence for God. 2 Make room for us in your hearts; we have wronged no one, we have ruined no one, we have exploited no one. 3 I do not say this to condemn you, for I told you before that you are in our hearts so that we die together and live together with you.

4 I have great confidence in you; I take great pride on your behalf. I am filled with encouragement; I am overflowing with joy in the midst of all our suffering. 5 For even when we came into Macedonia, our body had no rest at all, but we were troubled in every way—struggles from the outside, fears from within. 6 But God, who encourages the downhearted, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus. 7 We were encouraged not only by his arrival, but also by the encouragement you gave him, as he reported to us your longing, your mourning, your deep concern for me, so that I rejoiced more than ever.

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