David Did Not Take Credit For His Victories
March 3, 2024
The Lord gave David victory over his enemies, pursuing, crushing, and destroying them (vv. 37-42). God gave him rule over other nations (vv. 43-45). Everything he had done and everything he now enjoyed was because of the Lord’s enabling strength. Just as God has provided the offensive weapons for the believer, likewise He provides adequate defensive weapons (v. 35). Seeing the victory of David, the enemy, as a last resort, cried out to God for victory but victory was denied to the ungodly (v. 41). God gave him victories in every battle (vv. 43-45). He did not attribute his victories to himself but realized it was a part of God’s plan.
This psalm brings into focus both David and Christ. “The Lord lives” is a cry of victory (v. 46). David did not have to avenge himself when he was wrongfully accused and maligned. In this passage it could appear that David is bragging about his accomplishments, but actually he is bragging on God and all He has done through him. He says, “It is God who avenges me. He delivers me from my enemies. You also lift me up above those who rise up against me. You have delivered me from the violent man” (vv. 47-48). This is not bragging when we give the credit to God. Miraculously delivered from his enemies and from Saul (II Sam. 8:22), David composes this moving song with intense feeling. It shows God’s delivering power from the hands of his enemies.
David acknowledged the living God (v. 46) and promised to praise Him (v. 49). Seven times the word deliver or some derivative thereof is found in this chapter (v. 2, 17, 19, 43, 48 twice, and 50). God is a God of Great Deliverance. David did not take credit for his victories; he gave all the glory to the Lord. Whatever David had, God gave it to him; whatever he was, God made him whatever he did, God enabled him. This teaches us how to magnify God to the last breath. David closes this Psalm by telling how God has given many glorious victories to His chosen King (v. 50).
This Psalm comforts and encourages me. Like David. The liberation of my thinking will occur as I give more and more credit to God for what happens in my life, rather than trying to take credit myself. I should never boast about what I have done (Eph. 2:8-9).
Psalms 18:37– 50 (NET)
Verses not found.
Illustration: Ronald Reagan Praising a Farmer For His Crops
A farmer took a piece of unproductive land and made things flourish on it. Proud of his accomplishments, he asked his minister to come by and see what he had done. The minister was impressed. “That’s the tallest corn I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen anything as big as those melons. Praise the Lord!” He went on that way about every crop, praising the Lord for it all. Finally the farmer couldn’t take it anymore. “Reverend,” he said, “I wish you could have seen this place when the Lord was doing it by himself.” (Ronald Reagan, in a speech in Indianapolis).