Sailors Are Delivered From a Troubled Sea

Topic: Storms
Passage: Psalms 107:17–32

March 25, 2024


Many were in terrible pain, and some were almost dead because of their foolish sins but they prayed and were rescued (vv. 17-19). He restored them by healing them with His word (v. 20). We should praise the Lord and sing joyful songs to tell what He has done (vv. 21-22).
The fourth and final segment of deliverance has to do with those that sail out into the sea in ships (v. 23). A great advantage for sailors is that “they see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep” (v. 24). The tempests and storms that suddenly arise on the sea cause great concern to even the most seasoned sailor. The psalmist pictures sailors at the complete mercy of God as they are tossed about by the raging sea (v. 25). As they attempt to ride out the storm, the ship seems to “mount up to the heaven” (v. 26) as it rises high on the crest of the waves. Then it “goes down again to the depths” of the sea between the waves. Regardless of how brave they might act, their toughness is broken by the command of God (v. 27). When man is at his wit’s end, he will call unto the Lord, and He will bring him out of his distress (v. 28). The Lord “makes the storm a calm, so that the waves are still” (v. 29). Regardless of how fierce the storm of life may get, when men cry out for help, “He brings them unto their desired haven” (v. 30) of rest. The psalmist reminds Israel of the dreadful time through which the nation has just passed, pointing out both the cause and the cure. The sailors prayed in their distress, and the Lord responded to their prayer. He quieted the sea and brought the sailors safely to their destination 


We need to praise the Lord constantly for His love and for all the wonderful things He does for us (v. 31). We also need to make sure we are honoring the Lord when we meet with our leaders and those that we worship with (v. 32). 

Psalms 107:17– 32 (NET)

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Illustration: Father shadows his Son in a raging Snow Storm

A little boy was eagerly looking forward to the birthday party of a friend who lived only a few blocks away. When the day finally arrived, a blizzard made the sidewalks and roads nearly impassable. The lad’s father, sensing the danger, hesitated to let his son go. The youngster reacted tearfully. “But Dad,” he pleaded, “all the other kids will be there. Their parents are letting them go.” The father thought for a moment, then replied, “All right, you may go.” Overjoyed, the boy bundled up and plunged into the raging storm. The driving snow made visibility almost impossible, and it took him more than half an hour to trudge the short distance to the party. As he rang the doorbell, he turned briefly to look out into the storm. His eye caught the shadow of a retreating figure. It was his father. He had followed his son’s every step to make sure he arrived safely. (Paul Fritz, Sermon Central).

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